the wedding was in baltimore/annapolis, which meant a 10hr drive each way. the bridal party included 12 attendants, which means 12 girls, all different ages, from different places (New Jersey, Colorado, and Kentucky), some who know the bride, some who know the groom. all in all, it was kind of intimidating going in to such a weekend where you really only know a couple of people, yet you are expected to come together to be a big part of such an important event.
in certain situations, i find it difficult to fit in. being from a different state that most of the bridesmaids, being from the groom's side of the family, and being a few years older than some of the girls... i thought, hmmm this weekend could be interesting. i would have never thought it would have taken kesha and rihanna to bring us together... but ultimately, on the party bus while heading to the chapel, it was serenades of "your love is my drug" and teaching the lyrics of "rude boy" that did it! that's what it took for the bridesmaids to really bond! haha! it's amazing what letting loose, if even just a little, will gain you... new experiences, new friends, and great pictures!
most weddings bring two families together... this wedding did more than just that, it helped create friendships! ones that i hope last, despite the distance! friendships that could allow for many new fun experiences... trips to different cities, new things to try, new songs to serenade and dance to, and more pictures to capture! i am so thankful that i had the honor to be a part of my cousin's wedding, he was such a handsome groom and my new "cousin-in-law" was absolutely gorgeous! i was given a bonus in gaining new friends from this wedding weekend!
I couldn't agree with you more, that weekend was amazing!!! We all need to get together soon and sing some more Kesha and Rihanna lol. For only knowing eachother for a weekend we do have some really good memories from the singing to dancing at the wedding to meeting Tim green and of course Danny the stripper!!! Haha love ya lots <3